Introducing IQTaxi Call Center
IQTaxi Call Center application is the main application for the operation of a taxi base.
With Call Center the operator can create, edit and access data for:
The Call Center:
Communicates via the TaxiServer with the passenger apps, the driver applications and the system DataBase.
Uses Geolocation processes to represent data on map live, such as call and vehicle location.
The operator has an instant live representation of the active fleet.
The app interconnects with other instances of the same app to load balance the incoming workload with other telephone operators simultaneously.
The application can connect directly or via a Telephone line server app or hardware to pass and collect phone line identification data.
It is the main application that feeds the database with valuable data that later on can be processed from the Statistics or Accounting application that are part of the IQTaxi System.
CallCenter has a User level layer structure to restrict access of specific operations to user groups and also for reporting on user level.