The Customers Form allows you to search for a registered customer, so as to view or edit his data attributes and location. You can also use the Customers Form to make new customers registration or to manage in advance level the stored information.
The Information table is a search results table that displays the stored data of selected customers.
The table updates it's records after a searching procedure and based on the applied filters.
The table consist of twelve columns that regards to the database fields and many rows,
one for each customer. The first row in the table displays the Field name of each column.
Data Sorting
The table's records are by default sorted based on the "Phone" field values (system default).
If you want to make a shorting based on an other field's data, you have to click once on the
column's name you desire. The sorting is automatically changed and an arrow
appears on the selected field, marking it active.
The direction of arrow indicates whether the sorting is in ascending or descending order . By clicking on the selected field header, the sorting can be changed from ascending to descending and vise versa.
Customer Selection from table
You can select a customer's record from the information table by double clicking on it.
After selection, the customer's information are stored on the Details Form and the map
navigates (zoom in) to customers location. You are able to edit the selected customer
information on Details Form and save the changes to the system.