The Customers Form allows you to search for a registered customer, so as to view or edit his data attributes and location. You can also use the Customers Form to make new customers registration or to manage in advance level the stored information.
![Customers Form](drex_customers_form_1_screen.png)
![1](drex_bullet_1.png) Customer Details form
In the Details form are placed all the appropriate tools and input fields that needed to create,
edit and search your customers. Working on this form you can add new customers,
edit the information of the selected customer and apply search filters for advanced
searching based on criteria.
Description of input fields
Sets the customer priority from 1 to 10.
[slider bar]
i.e. 5
The date of the customer's last call
[auto- filled by the system]
i.e. 21/01/16
Shows the total number of the customers calls until that moment
[auto- filled by the system]
i.e. 1
The company name that the customer belongs to. Select from the list with the registered companies.
[dropdown list]
i.e. ATE Inc
Customer category. Select a predefine category from the list.
[dropdown list]
i.e. Hospital
Customer's phone number
i.e. +003069123456
Customer's Name:
Customer's name
i.e. John Smith
Street name
i.e. 1920-2016 Harvard Ave.
Street number
i.e. 1920-2016
Primary Address:
Indicates if the specific address is the customers primary address or not
[check box]
i.e. Yes/No
general comments concerning customer
i.e. preferred car type
Call Comments:
comments concerning specific call
i.e. call on arrival
Sets the period (number of days) into which the customer cant be served from the same driver.
The zero (0) value stores the systems default.
i.e. 3
Apply a search filter based on the field's value.
Blue--> active
Grey--> inactive
Save the new customer to the system
Update the customers data after editing
Search for Customers based on filters or not
Register a second address to the same customer
Delete the second address has been stored to the customer
Merge customers data
![2](drex_bullet_2.png) Member Information panel
Is very common for car bases or companies to provide special services to their customers under
membership subscription. To handle member subscriptions you must activate the member
information panel and add the required information according to your membership rules.
Description of input fields
Activates the Members form for data entry
[check box ]
i.e. On/Off
Indicates the member's type and status.
Member type( Click on the icon to change): Silver / Gold
Subscription status: Valid / Expired
The member's number box
i.e. 10
The date that the customer is registered as a Member
i.e. 21/01/16
Refer to member's subscription period. Give the date that subscription starts.
i.e. 18/05/16
Give the day that subscription expires.
i.e. 18/06/16
![3](drex_bullet_3.png) Customers Search Results Table
The Information table is a search results table that displays the stored data of selected customers.
The table updates it's records after a searching procedure and based on the applied filters.
The table consist of twelve columns that regards to the database fields and many rows,
one for each customer. The first row in the table displays the Field name of each column.
Data Sorting
The table's records are by default sorted based on the "Phone" field values (system default).
If you want to make a shorting based on an other field's data, you have to click once on the
column's name you desire. The sorting is automatically changed and an arrow
appears on the selected field, marking it active.
The direction of arrow indicates whether the sorting is in ascending or descending order . By clicking on the selected field header, the sorting can be changed from ascending to descending and vise versa.
Customer Selection from table
You can select a customer's record from the information table by double clicking on it.
After selection, the customer's information are stored on the Details Form and the map
navigates (zoom in) to customers location. You are able to edit the selected customer
information on Details Form and save the changes to the system.
![4](drex_bullet_4.png) Map Frame
This frame displays a dynamic geographic map, extending usually over the service area of the car
base that has been defined at the installation process. You can use the map to view the
customers locations (address) or to point out the location of a new customer. The customers locations
are indicated on the map with the red pointers. To show or hide the pointers on the map chick on
the "show points on the map" icon ![](drex_customers_form_1_custom_21.png) , on the upper left side of the frame.
The map frame supports four different map providers (Google, Yahoo, Bing, Open Street)
allowing you to select the one you prefer for data viewing. You can select the map provider
or switch between the available, clicking on the "map type" icon ![](drex_customers_form_1_custom_22.png) on the upper left side
of the frame. Each provider has available three different map types to select, Road map,
Satellite map and Hybrid map.
You can interact with the map and navigate to different map areas using your mouse with
the following actions.
Zoom In /Out
Roll mouse wheel back and forth
Hold down left-click and drag
Add point
Right-Click on a specific location on the map
Return pointer address
Push down mouse wheel
To print a specific map view, click on the "print" icon ![](drex_customers_form_1_custom_23.png) on the upper left side of the frame.
To show or hide the