All calls TabThe All Calls Table displays in rows all the incoming calls that are in the dispatching phase of the serving procedure or have been served currently from the call center's workstations.
This table is an alive dynamic table that interact with the system's dispatching procedure and provide information about the call serving status. The table is auto-updated and provides you advanced functionality for the calls management.
For each call, the All Calls Table provides all the needed information displayed in the corresponding columns. In particular, the table consist of twenty one columns, that described below.
Call's Display Filter
You can choose if you want to view on the table all the incoming calls that are served from the system, the calls taht are served from your workstation, or the calls served from the rest workstations. By default the table is on the "All Calls" mode, displaying all the incoming calls.
To switch between those three options you have simply click on the "All Calls" icon , placed on the Call Management Toolbar. Once you click on the icon, it changed to "My calls" displaying only your served calls on the table, and then (second click) to "Other Calls" displaying the others workstation calls on the table.
Sorting Data
The table's records are by default sorted based on call's serving time. If you want to make a shorting based on another characteristic, you have to click once on the column's name you desire. The sorting is automatically changed and an arrow appears on the selected field, marking it active.