Taxi Stands

Taxi stand Icon designates the reference point of a taxi stand providing info about it and actions for included cars. It is described in detail in the Stands and markers on map section.
Taxi Stands

Taxi Stand Icon

1. Taxi Stand Icon
Taxi Stands are commonly known areas where taxi's line up waiting for customers, this is
the Taxi Stand center area, and is designated on the map with the blue - white icon with
the P letter and the word TAXI. Those places in many cases are scattered throughout the
general area a Taxi Base is servicing.
Every Taxi Stand besides the Taxi Stand center area has and a declared servicing area.
Those areas for each Taxi stand are declared and represented on the map with polygons
surrounding the taxi stand area.  
By moving or hovering the mouse pointer over the Taxi Stand Icon a popup frame is displayed
with the name of the Taxi Stand, the Taxi Stand Area center polygon and the Taxi Stand Area
polygons colored in light and dark pink color respectivly are displayed automatically.
In this example the Taxi Stand name is Zone 2 and the informative frame tells us that there
are no cars registered in this Taxi Stand.
The Taxi Stand Area Center is where the cars are stationed and it's contained inside the Taxi
Stand Area.
A car to enter the Taxi Stand and get a priority number must be inside the polygon of the Taxi
Stand Area Center.
A Taxi stand with registered cars is represented with the Taxi Stand icon and on the bottom r
ight corner has a yellow rectangle placeholder containing the number of cars registered.
For example a taxi stand with one car registered will display: . A Taxi Stand with
two cars will display: and so on and so forth.
When you left click on a Taxi Stand icon there are several actions you can perform.
When the Taxi Stand is empty the following window appears:
It shows the history view of the Taxi Stand Registrations.
DEP.: are Departures from the Taxi Stand.
AR.: are Arrivals at the Taxi Stand. Arrivals are followed with the order number that the
specific car took when it entered the Taxi Stand. So in the example car nu. 78 took the priority
number 2 at 14:10:19 because earlier car nu. 77 entered the Taxi Stand taking the first priority
The white frame under the red X mark    that closes the window is an input text field which
filters the displayed results. In our example if you enter 77 in this field and press enter on
keyboard it will result displaying information only for car 77.
If Selected on the top right corner the small Taxi Stand icon , alters the view to Cars
inStand, meaning it will display the cars that are currently registered in the Taxi Stand.
The same view appears when a Taxi Stand icon is clicked when it contains cars. For example
if the icon is clicked will display the following window:
In this window we can observe the cars represented with their car number and their respective priority before the parenthesis.
To alter the priority of a car in the Taxi Stand: First we select (left click) on the car we want and then with the blue arrows on the bottom right corner of the window we alter the priority of the selected car.