POIs Form

The POIs' Form allows you to view and edit attributes of the points of interest stored in the system, but also to create and add new points of interest to the system.
In general, a point of interest, or POI, is a specific point location that someone may find useful or interesting. Working with POIs on the IQTaxi Call Center framework, you can indicate and store  the location of a specific place, building or service that your customers usually visit or can be mentioned as point of reference.  These points could be public buildings and places such as hospitals, airports, squares and etc., or other places such as restaurants, hotels, gas stations, theaters, mails and many others.  
POIs Form
The POIs Form consist of three separate items that interact with each other, displaying the corresponding information. These are the POIs Information Panel, the POIs information table and the Map Frame, which are described extensively below.

POIs Information Panel

In the Information Panel are placed all the appropriate tools and input fields that needed to create, edit and search your points of interest. Working on this panel you can add new POIs, edit the information of the existing POIs and apply search filters for advanced searching based on criteria.
Description of fields and tools
POI's category. You have to select the appropriate category from a predefined list.
[Drop Down list]
 The POIs specific name
i.e. Holiday Inn
 any additional comment
The address of POIs location
i.e. 740 Lasalle St., New Orleans
The address number of POIs location
Apply a search filter based on the field's value.
Blue--> active
Grey--> inactive
 Save a new point of interest
Update the POI's data (after editing)
Delete the selected POI
Search for POIs (based on filters or not)
Search address type
Predefined Options
Activate/Deactivate Map boundaries while searching address
Displays on the map the POIs icons
[Check box]
i.e. Yes/No

POIs Map Frame

This frame displays a dynamic geographic map, extending usually over the service area of the car base that has been defined at the installation process. You can use the map to view the specific location of an existing POI or to point out the location of a new POI.  The stored POIs are indicated on the map with the "point" icon.
2. POIs Map Frame
The map frame supports four different map providers (Google, Yahoo, Bing, Open Street) allowing you to select the one you prefer for data viewing. You can select the map provider or switch between the available, clicking on the "map type" icon on the upper left side of the frame. Each provider has available three different map types to select, Road map, Satellite map and Hybrid map.
You can interact with the map and navigate to different map areas using your mouse with the following actions. 
Zoom In /Out
Roll  mouse wheel back and forth
Hold down left-click and drag
Add POI icon
Right-Click on a specific location on the map
Return pointer address
Push down mouse wheel
To print a specific map view, click on the "print" icon on the upper left side of the frame.

POIs Information Table

The Information table is a search results table that displays the stored data of selected POIs. The table
updates it's records after a searching procedure and based on the applied filters. The table consist of
four columns that regards to the four data fields and many rows, one for each selected POI. The first
row in the table displays the Field name of each column.
3. POIs Information Table

Data Sorting
The table's records are by default sorted based on the "Description" field values (system default).
If you want to make a shorting based on an other field's data, you have to click once on the column's
name you desire. The sorting is automatically changed and an arrow appears on the selected field,
marking it active.
The direction of arrow indicates whether the sorting is in ascending or descending order . By clicking on the selected field header, the sorting can be changed from ascending to descending and vise versa.

POI Selection from table
You can select a POI's record from the information table by double clicking on it. After selection,
the POIs information are stored on the information panel and the map navigates (zoom in) to
POIs location.  You are able to edit the selected POI's information and save the changes to the system.