The Alarms Table displays in rows all the incoming alarms signals that the call center receives from the drivers tablet.
For each alarm signal, the Alarm Table provides all the needed information displayed in the corresponding columns. In particular, the table consist of five columns that described below.
Date and time of the message
The Car ID that was in alarm
Alarm Type:
The alarm type ( Alarm from button, Alarm from app or End of Alarm)
The drivers location longitude when the alarm starts
The drivers location latitude when the alarm starts
Sorting Data
The table's records are by default sorted based on alarms received time. If you want to make a shorting based on another characteristic, you have to click once on the column's name you desire. The sorting is automatically changed and an arrow appears on the selected field, marking it active.
The direction of arrow indicates whether the sorting is in ascending or descending order . By clicking on the selected field header, the sorting can be changed from ascending to descending and vise versa.